Thursday, November 29, 2012

Half Marathon Update

Hey Y'all!
It's been a while since I have updated you on the whole half marathon thing! So, here's the update!

 I am slowly working to up my mileage!! When I first started, I was walking 3 minutes then running 2 minutes and I struggled all 3 miles!! Last night, I ran 2.5 miles and walked the last .5!! Here's a comparison...

The first picture is my first day of training when I was walk/running and the second picture is last night!

Have any of you tried this? I saw it at the grocery store and decided to give it a try! It's Gatorade Post-Game Protein... any thoughts? I drank some last night, and I did feel pretty good today!

 I also saw this at the grocery store, and it may be the death of me!

I was born and raised in Cincinnati so LaRosa's is my favorite!! And, I would cut off my left arm for their ravioli, and now it is sold in stores!! AHHH!! This is going to be a REAL test of will power!

There is the update :) ENJOY!

Stay tuned for a Weigh In soon!! :)

1 comment:

  1. New follower from ML Fit Camp!! Can't wait to catch up on your blogs!! If you'd like you can follow mine at
