Friday, March 8, 2013

Weigh In Friday, Dietbet, and New Workouts

Hey y'all!
Things have been going pretty well this week! I've been doing much better logging my food and getting my workouts in! So, the number...

So, a loss, not a huge loss, but I will take it! I FINALLY got back to the gym after like 3 weeks! I ran a mile in 10:30! My fastest mile ever! YES! I did another 1.7 on the elliptical. I wanted to keep going, but since it was my first day back, I didn't want to push myself too hard! I also went to a spin class this week! HOLY HELL BATMAN! That shit was no joke!! My legs are still sore! We also did about 10 minutes of abs after spin, so every time I laugh, I feel the soreness!

I joined my first Dietbet! Erin from She's A Big Star (check her out HERE) is the "host" and it was a $15 bet. I have to lose 4% of my body weight in 4 weeks to be a winner. Everyone who loses their 4% gets to split the pot! So far, the pot is $3,735!! I have to lose about 7 pounds to be a winner! 

I also made my own workouts this week.  I got some dumbbells for Christmas, and I have been wanting to add some weightlifting to my routines. I checked Pinterest, and took pieces of different workouts to make them my own. I made 3 different workouts- arms, abs and legs. WOWZA. I have done the arms and the legs. I am so sore, but I LOVE the feeling because I can feel my body changing!

Now for some pictures from the week, and some motivational pictures!

First day back in the gym!
Arms- 3/6/13

Keep on truckin!!

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