Monday, November 26, 2012


Hey y'all!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I was off Thursday AND Friday... two days in a row... that hasn't happened in MONTHS!! I was able to go home and spend some time with my family! Here's some pics...

My precious Kayboo! Almost 5!


Me and the boyfriend (yes, you read boyfriend... we are back together!)

My glowworm in her jammies! She is WALKING!!

So, that was my Thanksgiving! I also spent some time with my mom's family! We went around the table and said what we are thankful for... my 4 year old cousin was thankful for "shark park hot wheels" which apparently he doesn't even have! Gotta love little ones!

 Friday night, Kris (read: boyfriend) took me to the Cincinnati Bearcats football game!! And they won!! And it was 29 degrees at kick off... we were facking freezing!!! Of course I have more pics!

Before the game!

At kickoff!
After the game... thawing out in the car!

Found my cousin, my cousin's husband and my uncle! And yes, I'm a conehead!
I also took my momma out for a run!! We did 3 miles in 40 minutes... we walked/ran the first 1.5 miles and walked the last 1.5! She did awesome and I was (am) so proud of her!!
We kicked some butt!!

I guess that's all for now! I finish my externship at the hospital on Wednesday, so I will have more time AKA you will get to read more of my ramblings!!

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